BMW Isetta 300 cabriolet, prewar CROSLEY woody

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Faraway Montevideo. For sale:Isetta,Heinkel,Crosley woody,Multipla

BMW Isetta 300 bubble window cabriolet, BMW 600, prewar Crosley woody, Heinkel Kabine, ISO three weeler, Austin A 30, FIAT Multipla, BMW 700, FIAT 500, FIAT 500 Giardinetta, Gutbrod Superior, and more. All, very convenient, restoration projects. Some of these microcars are extremely rare. Prewar Crosley woody may be unique. Contact Ignacio Labaure




 We are located in Montevideo, Uruguay. We specialize in microcars and classic scooters.

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URUGUAY Treasure on wheels

Uruguay,  a country in South America with 3 million people, has been a place where collectors have discovered an incredible supply of vintage vehicles.


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